Almost 7 years back, on one side I felt pulled by an invisible magnet and on the other side my restlessness was on the increase which was making my awareness dull.
I learnt Reiki easily and felt I had a past association. I meditated but it had not become a habit. I wanted to do it but had lots of excuses for not doing it regularly. My intuition had become stronger but nagging doubts kept disturbing me.
I got disassociated with certain people who added no value to my life but I interacted with them simply due to inertia. A certain detachment started creeping in for most of the things & relations.
Thankfully Kriya Yoga & Ananda Sangha came into my life. The two basic principles of Ananda attracted me – first, People are more important than things and second, Where there is dharma (adherence to truth and right action), there is victory. Any obstacle in life turns into a blessing if faced with courage, faith in God, nonattachment and gratitude.
Got up early to meditate and exercise. Food habits got changed. Raw vegetables and fruits became an essential part of my diet. Meditation became a habit. Inner peace achieved through meditation is said to act as a lubricant for the machinery of human relationships. Felt gratitude towards God as well as towards fellow beings. I thank my channels who have put me on the path of self-evolution.
I was able to ‘Let Go’ and was freed of chains of restrain. The negative energy of constantly keeping a check on myself had clamped me with fear and constant dread of what will happen if I did something wrong.
Now, I can forgive and forget. I forgave four people in one go and the number has been increasing. I realise and accept the difference in my attitude and others’ and have stopped judging them.
I started getting answers to my questions without even asking them aloud. These Occurrences are so remarkable that I don’t ask myself why I meditate but why did I start so late!!!
– Vinieta Kashyapp
Very well written, straofrom the Heart and Mind! Very simpke language used, can be understood so easily. Even I am feeling so relaxed to read it. Indepth feeling!
Very well written. We are facing same problems hope we will be motivated by your expriences.
Very motivating journey towards innerself Ma’am. Although you started late but finally you are on right path. I feel glad to be in contact with highly spiritual person like you.
Nice sharing Vinieta, thanks!