I read a very inspiring blog in the ‘Speaking Tree’ recently (Times of India). The story was about a girl named Andal in South India.

Andal and her father Vishnuchithan both were ardent devotee of Ranganath, the sleeping form of Vishnu. Every day Vishnuchithan would offer tulsi garland to his beloved deity. When he would be away Andal would wear that garland and check if this was fit for her lord. One day, when Vishnuchithan found this out, he was very angry. That night lord Vishnu appeared in his dreams and told Vishnuchithan, that he was very pleased with Andal’s devotion. From now on he will only accept garlands which are first worn by her. Vishnuchithan happily followed lord’s instructions.

When it was time to get Andal married, lord told him to conduct the marriage ceremony at Ranganathaswamy Temple in Srirangam. When Andal was led into the sanctum, she merged with the statue of Ranganath and gained liberation. Pious tradition holds Andal to be the incarnation of Bhumi Devi. She was also one of the 12 Alvars (Hindu Poet Saints) and only girl in that group.

Wow, this story is very inspiring. It is intriguing that process of finding god seemed so simple for Andal and yet many who are trying to find God have to do so many things, over different life times.

What was that Andal had that she merged with Lord in a jiffy? If there is one quality that can help achieve this state, that his heart with only love for God.

Now it is not that simple, it means our body, mind and soul has not even single desire, expect to be one with God.

It is said that when God formed the first set of human beings, they were so pure that when they used to sit in meditation, they would merge in God that very minute (In fact they didn’t know anything else, except to meditate😃). So, God had to create delusion to keep us here.

The biggest trouble is that, even when we become aware that God should be our only goal, we are helpless. Desires accumulated over incarnations keep sprouting here and there. Like any other habit (anger, drinking, smoking etc.), when we first become aware
that a particular habit is bad for us, we still surrender to those habits. Yet, there are millions of inspirational stories around us where people have overcome bad habits, and you may have also done it.

Now the question is how do I overcome the habit of delusion, of money, recognition, of power, of love of friends, family. Is it a bad thing? Not at all, but if our goal is to be one with God, then these desires are the ones which will prevent us to be one with Him.
Swami Kriyananda (Swami Ji) shares, that it’s just like when you are washing a shirt, a bubble appears and if you try to squeeze it, many other bubbles emerge from somewhere else. He said that when man has his one desire fulfilled, 200 new desires emerge. That is scary, isn’t it?

But thanks to great masters who have created simple ways to reach at that point where we ‘want only God’. There is this beautiful chant ‘I want only Thee God, Thee, only Thee’, when one of the devotees asked Swami Ji that it is difficult for her to sing this song, as there are still other desires she has. He said add ‘To want’ after ‘want’. Isn’t’ that beautiful, that we tell God we have other desires, despite knowing that they will lead us nowhere, we want only Thee Lord, so please help us, ‘I want (to want) only Thee God, Thee only Thee’.

Nayaswami Jyotish Ji, gave a very effective formula, which is enjoyable too. We don’t have to make our journey boring. Here is the formula of 6S by Jyotish Ji:

1) Saadhna: Longer and deeper meditations with the help of Kriya Yoga. Paramhansa Yogananda (Master) calls Kriya Yoga as an airplane route to God. So, do more Kriyas as it dissolves all the desires which are locked in astral spine and we will reach one day at that point like Andal, where we will merge with our Beloved in a jiffy 😃.

2) Singing (Chanting) – Master said ‘Chanting is half the battle’, it opens our heart chakra and invokes devotion, which is most important aspect that God looks in a devotee. Sing chants especially which have been written by masters of our ray of light, it will help in deeper attunement and invite grace.

3) Seva: Burn your karmas by being the channel of God. Master said ‘The channel is blessed by what flows through it’ and also mentioned that ‘To know me serve my work’. As Jyotish Ji, says that seva should be done to dissolve ego. Allow masters to work through you. We must meditate before serving and envision that you are serving divine mother.

4) Study: Study books, and scriptures written by masters, it will keep your intellectual hunger satisfied, we need intelligence to recognise delusion and get out of that moment. More importantly you are having the company of the authors and their vibrations which in itself a big blessing. Read as if they (Master and Swami Ji) are having conversation with you.

5) Seclusion: Master said ‘Seclusion is Price of Greatness’. Swami Ji recommended to take a week’s seclusion every year. Disconnecting from outside buzz helps us to enter and connect more deeply with our own consciousness. It stills our thoughts and silences our mind, which is altar of God. Start small, half day, 3 days if not full week and spend time energizing, do longer meditations, read master’s and swami ji’s books, listen to their talks, do nature walks with master, journaling, and commune with divine mother.

6) Satsang: Choose your company wisely. Be in the company of people who want to know God. Master said ‘Your company is more powerful than your will power’. Even in spiritual organisations choose wisely. Just because everyone is there that does not mean everyone is there😃.

Wishing you all the speedy and joyful journey.!
🌺 Jai Guru 🌺🙏

– Kamal Preet Singh Chawla

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