How to spiritualize your Marriage
Paramhansa Yogananda saw every human experience, including that of marriage,
primarily as an opportunity for inner, spiritual development. Thus, he recommended
to people who sought marriage that they first look for spiritual compatibility in their
mates, and only secondarily for mental, emotional, and physical compatibility. He
saw marriage not only as a fulfillment, but, much more importantly, as an opportunity
for learning essential spiritual lessons in selflessness, loyalty, kindness, respect, and
— The New Path
Marriage, understood and lived expansively, is a path to transcendent love—to realization of one’s higher spiritual potential. Through this workshop you will learn practical suggestions and tools to follow the deeper call of your relationship. These principles based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda will enrich not only your marriage, but your life
This workshop was given to a live audience, and by popular demand is now available for purchase.
Your Presenter
Dr. Radhikha
Dr. Radhika Sehdev is a practicing radiologist and a long term yoga & meditation practitioner as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. She is a long time devotee of Paramhansa Yogananda and has been associated with with Ananda Sangha for over a decade. She applies these teachings in her daily medical practical and shares practical experience in regular workshops and classes.

If you have any questions, you can write to us at : anandagurgaon@gmail.com