LEARN TO MEDITATE- The Path of Kriya Yoga Level 1
47 lessons
Paramhansa Yogananda wrote, “Meditation is the highest form of activity a person can perform.” It is one of the most natural and rewarding of all human activities. It gives direct, intuitive experience of higher consciousness, and is the cornerstone of deep spirituality. It also brings balance, rest and a growing inner peace. This course is open to anyone who wishes to learn to meditate, regardless of religious or spiritual background.
Health and Healing- Teachings Of Paramhansa Yogananda
22 lessons
This course includes relevant, practical advice for maximizing health on every level rather than merely avoiding ill health. It is based on ancient wisdom and a deep understanding of life. Paramhansa Yogananda often said: “Keep the body fit for Self-Realization!” The essence of Yogananda’s teachings on healing are integrative and holistic. While the majority of Yogananda’s teachings focus on spiritual healing, attained through meditation and communing inwardly with the Divine, but he also strongly emphasizes the close ties linking together body, mind, and soul.
Commune with Holy AUM
3 lessons
This workshop is a dynamic flow of lecture and experiential exercises for deep communion with AUM. Through visualizations, devotional AUM practices, inspirational stories, and deep yogic teachings, the Cosmic Vibration will become alive for you as never before.